Mindfulness in the Workplace Chat > Minding our Minds

What are the benefits of mindful meditation? Where do we begin?

Take a seat and breathe in and out. Maybe think of one word, perhaps p-e-a-c-e or c-a-l-m. But the challenge is managing the thoughts and feelings that want us to react, solve problems, worry about money, plan our next meal, and so on. As a novice meditator I recall watching my thoughts and realizing how much mental effort I spent planning. Instead of relaxing in the moment, I would make mental lists and then catch myself getting anxious about sitting still and just breathing. Now I know this is just another type of "monkey mind" that will overcome our best intentions to settle down in meditation.
Do you recall what were some of your challenges in practicing meditation?

December 6, 2012 | Registered CommenterClaire Cohn